
Full Moon in Leo 2024 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

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Full Moon in Leo 2024 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Full Moon in Leo 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The Full Moon in Leo 2024 turns up on January 25th at 12:54 PM EST. Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are opposite, a tense aspect that signifies endings. Something is about to close down, which may be a cause for celebration, particularly in this fiery sign. What did you begin six months ago? You can measure your progress even if you didn’t reach every goal. You could be further along than you think. Be proud of your accomplishments. You deserve to brag!

Everything comes full circle on this day, freeing you to prepare the groundwork for new ideas. Because Leo rules the heart, you might want to reflect on meaningful goals or passion projects. What’s tugging at your heart now? It’s only a matter of time before you can plant those seeds and watch them grow. Leo never does anything halfway, so be sure to think BIG. The sky is truly the limit for your next creation.

Two difficult aspects surround this lovely lunation, so expect some challenges. Mars square Chiron casts an aggressive vibe over the day, which may tempt you to put your ego first. A Moon-Jupiter square later in the day could push this to extremes. This requires a bit of restraint, especially if you do not wish to cause harm or piss people off. Remember: Leo can be dramatic. With these gnarly aspects circling around the Full Moon, it’s best to practice a bit of restraint. Don’t let your pride or stubbornness get in the way of everything this day offers.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, a reminder that today is for shining brightly. The world can be your stage. But if you share the spotlight with others, it’s even better.

Lastly, the lion is considered the king of the jungle. For some world leaders, this day could spell the beginning of the end of a reign. Crowns are beginning to fall, especially now that Pluto has entered community-oriented Aquarius and recently touched down on the Sun. Something crucial could be illuminated a few days after this Full Moon. The game is ready to change.

And here are some mini Full Moon in Leo 2024 Tarot Readings for each sign of the zodiac using the Wild Lands Tarot!

Full Moon in Leo 2024 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign


Aries: Six of Ankhs – You are setting sail on a new journey. Look ahead – and keep going.

Taurus: Queen of Coins – New financial growth is possible. The hard work is ready to pay off.

Gemini: Two of Wands – You’re in an amazing position at this time. All signs point to success!

Cancer: Wheel of Fortune – An opportunity emerges. Don’t question it – go for it!

Leo: Six of Coins – You have made many sacrifices. Now the scales balance in your favor.

Virgo: The Lovers – The time is ripe for romantic decisions. Trust your heart.

Libra: Five of Wands – The competition is fierce and mean. Show them what you’re made of!

Scorpio: The Devil – You’re at a crossroads. Do you choose the devil you know or the one you don’t?

Sagittarius: Three of Cups – Merriment and good times! Kick up your heels and have fun!

Capricorn: The Fool – This is the beginning you were waiting for. Don’t hesitate to start.

Aquarius: Ace of Ankhs – A golden opportunity lands in your lap. This is the start of something big.

Pisces: Four of Cups – If you don’t like the choices, hold firm. A better option is on the way.



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© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection


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